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Taste of South Sudan is on YOUTUBE
Dear readers,
We are excited to inform you of our growing youtube channel, named Taste of South Sudan. We are transforming some of our favorite recipes into instructional videos. We now have 9 videos for recipes that were originally posted on Taste of South Sudan blog. We work hard to make quality videos using state of the art photography, with professional lighting and audio for an enhanced viewer experience. We strive for perfection in all we do. And we hope you will show appreciation for our hard work by subscribing to the youtube channel. As always, Taste of South Sudan’s recipes and videos are completely free.
Watch our latest video below: Cook Shaiyah, Pan-Fried Meat
SUBSCRIBE on youtube and for quick access: here is the link for Taste of South Sudan YOUTUBE channel:
Check back periodically as we update more videos to our youtube channel. Once again, SUBSCRIBE on Taste of South Sudan youtube channel, so you are the first to know when we upload a video.
Hi Noela,
Maburuk alaik ya okti for this wonderful idea. Such mouth-watering dishes that takes the mind back to South Sudan. I am exceedingly pleased with your initiative. It is an initiative that will give the world the real beautiful picture of South Sudan from our own dishes. In addition, many men in South Sudan don’t know how to cook and your initiative is very handy for young men like us to learn how to cook our traditional South Sudanese food. There is more than that to your initiative and I commend you on that and wish you all the best in its growth. Just one thing, probably you can add a reblog button for these delicious dishes to be reblogged and help expand TOSS readership.
Best regards.
am really impressed with the job well done and i appreciate what you trying to do ,,,showing our culture and food is very good job .,we all strive to do .
i have a facebook group (south sudan home catering services) for peace and reconciliation in our beloved country .,so i would like if we can directs all our efforts through our food customs and traditional towards peace and reconciliation .,i have a proposal program for that ,and i thing you are in for great help and great contribution as you are already on the boat .,
atar batista okello